Art Business Innovation for the 21st Century
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Time: 6:30 - 8:00PM ET

The art business has traditionally been a person-to-person business. Technology has not been as transformative as in other industries....until now.

Find out how blockchain, predictive data analytics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence are transforming the art world in the 21st century.

In this panel you will hear from prominent art technology innovators:

Articker (in an exclusive partnership with Phillips) is a searchable technology platform that aggregates open-source data on artists and artworks and provides insight into emerging market trends. Its algorithm uses data from over 50,000 sources and weighs their value to give an overview of how lesser-known artists’ works could perform at auction and how their work’s value could change over time.

Artory is a New York startup that leverages Ethereum blockchain and provides an art registry that tracks provenance and title and ensures that the presented information is complete, accurate, and immutable. The Registry is adopted by key players in the art world such as auction houses, galleries, museums, and living artists. It digitally memorizes histories, provenance, and archival material and allows collectors and buyers to remain anonymous.

Eazel is a multi-functional digital art platform that hosts virtual galleries and fairs and brings accessibility of the gallery experience to the wider world. The platform includes photo-based virtual galleries of specific shows, both past and present, audio tours, and full VR headset function.

Masterworks is a New York firm that is changing art collecting by making ownership of famous art accessible to retail investors through fractional ownership on Ethereum blockchain. The company selects art pieces that it expects to appreciate in the future and registers them with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The platform allows investors to monitor the performance of their art over time as well as buy and sell shares.

Thread Genius (acquired by Sotheby’s) uses machine learning and has built a series of algorithms that can predict what art or luxury items clients may want to purchase based on previous purchases and searches. The goal is to improve recommendations to buyers and make it easier to purchase art and collectibles on the auction house’s digital platform.
  • Viktoria Prigarina, Founder of and Art Market Symposia
  • Josh Campbell, Chief Operating Officer, Eazel
  • Nanne Dekking, Co-Founder and CEO, Artory
  • Elizabet Doliar, (SEAS '19), Product Manager for Recommendation Products, Sotheby's
  • Elizabeth von Habsburg, Managing Director at Winston Art Group
  • Nigel Glenday, Chief Financial Officer,
  • Racine Romaguera, Global Head of Digital, Phillips Auctioneers
  • Sofie Scheerlinck, former New York-based Managing Director, TEFAF
More speakers
  • Viktoria Prigarina
    Founder of and Art Market Symposia
  • Elizabeth von Habsburg
    Managing Director of Winston Art Group
  • Josh Campbell
    Chief Operating Officer, Eazel
  • Nanne Dekking
    Co-Founder and CEO, Artory
  • Elizabet Doliar, (SEAS '19)
    Product Manager for Recommendation Products, Sotheby's
  • Nigel Glenday
    Chief Financial Officer,
  • Racine Romaguera
    Global Head of Digital, Phillips Auctioneers
  • Sofie Scheerlinck
    Former New York-based Managing Director, TEFAF

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This event was originally created for CBSACNY. See the page here